As I learned from Panache Desai, there's nothing wrong with us. We are perfect as we are. Can we all just accept that? Hmmm..prrrrobably not.. BUT maybe, just maybe, we can all try to love ourselves a little more everyday? Most of the world (because most of us are trained that way…no?) is focused on “what is wrong with….?". Well, what if we focused on “what is RIGHT with…?….what is working?…what is good?“ A little shift in perspective is just better than none at all imo. What is right with me? Oh even just focused on that ONE thing…..and then the love & whatnot floods in & my heart expands (ps~ that's also creating an optimal healing environment for the body…just saying) . I'm not religious but I totally get “the peace that passeth all understanding…” Peace and love to you all. xo
